About Us
Detroit Career ExpertsAbout

Mario Kelly
For the last 10 years, Mario Kelly has been a role model in his community, hoping to inspire the next generation of young people. He began his organizing work by starting a program called Canfield 75, a foundation that aimed to bridge the divide between housing projects in his community.
He continued creating neighborhood programs, including Meet Up and Eat Up, a free summer lunch program for students, and Coats for Kids, an initiative to provide free winter coats to local children.
Mario has always wanted what is best for his neighborhood, whether through leading these programs, directing youth football camps, or looking ahead to his next community-driven project.
We Create Opportunities for Candidates & Businesses
B3L1EV3 is expanding their altruistic efforts to a new segment of the community by connecting fellow Detroiters with jobs to support themselves and their families. Inspired by the brand he created, B3L1EV3 Staffing Services focuses on the unique value that Detroiters can provide to local companies.

About B3L1EV3
More recently, Mario created the “B3L1EV3” movement, originally started to teach his kids about believing in themselves and in Detroit. Mario has created branded bracelets and has distributed them around the Detroit community. Through this effort he has bulit a following around the idea of a strong, positive support system for talented Detroiters.

Connecting People for over 10 Years

What We Do
Connect People with the Right Jobs for Them
Our recruiters become your partner along the journey of finding the right job.
Get Your Job Postings & Company Info Out to the World
Our agency will work diligently to annouce your available position(s) in different formats.
Find The Right Candidate For Your Company
Our talent pool is diverse in different skillsets to meet the needs of your company.
Supporting our community
Our agency participates in giving back to local communities and volunteers at non-nrofit organizations.
We’re Hiring too!